Friday 14 January 2011

Rounds Test

I had gotten half way round the compound. Allison was close behind, watching every move. I'd remembered all of the animals names so far. Their medications and uses and any observations I'd noticed. Up ahead, lay powder pack. One of the hardest packs to tell apart. Dakota, easy enough, the only timber wolf in the pack. The other three were Arctic wolves. The only way to tell them apart, one's the biggest, ones the smallest, and ones cross eyed. Hard enough, but they also happen to be shy. I could only see Dakota as I approached, and remembered his medication. A Beno in the morning, not in the afternoon, to help with his gas. I saw one of the Arctic wolves. I had no idea who it was! The other came out of hiding and I tired to judge it's size against the other. I guessed Powder. Score one! I trembled as I went to guess the last two. If I got this right, I could start my wolf training, get to socialise the wolves (meaning potential for cuddles) and possibly even start taking them for walks. Get it wrong, and have to keep getting up at 6am to follow rounds, and I needed a lie in! I chanced it and guessed. Is that... Sabine?

I passed! I got their names right and made it round the compound without making a mistake! I did almost forgot to lock the wolf kitchen door, which would of been a fail, but remembered just in time. Now I can start my full animal training and start going into the enclosures. I'll get to socialise the animals, meaning petting and cuddling them, trying to make them trust me and building up a relationship with them. If this goes well, I'll be able to put my wolf on a leash and take them for walks!!

It's not all been success. The other day I went to feed the dogs and had a disastrous experience! I was in the sub enclosure, and had to feed Peanut, Jelly and the puppies. I had one bowl of food for the puppies and needed to get Peanut out of the way. I tried to coax him into the sub enclosure but only Jelly came out. I gave in and put a bowl down. Went into the pen, put down the puppy food. Where's Peanuts food? Ah! I'd forgotten to take it in and had to wrestle Peanut away from the puppies! This wasn't the worst. I went back later to flip the pitballs water (as it was frozen), then noticed one of them nose open the lock!! I was meant to secure it but forgot and had to dash to the sub enclosure to secure the outer door or loose them! I managed it, but had to wrestle two stubborn pitballs back into their enclosure. No mean feat. I was pulled along, making an idiot of myself, but finally got them secure.

I'm starting to realise just how varied my tasks are going to be and how many skills I'm going to come out with. I spotted Robin on the chainsaw yesterday and will most likely receive my training soon! I got to drive around the the Ford quite a lot too. It's so much fun. It slips and slides over the slick mud, like going proper off roading! Layton has asked me to edit some footage of an animal capture together. This is so exciting as I'll be able to build my portfolio whilst learning about these animals. I'm going to have quite the CV when I'm done!

I simply can't wait to go in with the wolves. I've told Angie that my favourites are Nola pack and Sassy and Lakota, so fingers crossed I get them! I've been on my first solo morning rounds and have to do guard duty on my own this evening. It's starting to get so exciting. Layton has even got me a guitar and I have to give his daughter a lesson next week! Also, I may have to give my first tour tomorrow. It's really stepping up now. This is going to be amazing.

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